Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Days 16 & 17 -- June 6 and 7

I think I’m going to start updating my blog two days at once, because now that school has started there are not many super exciting things to write about (not a complaint! I love doing nothing!) Yesterday (the 6th) I woke up, went to class, and had lunch with the girls like usual, and then I walked to the ISA office with Jane. She had to figure out plans to get to her flight, because she forgot to book her flight in Barcelona and did a round trip to and from Madrid instead. After a little while, I ran out of things to do so I went down to the beach with a few other friends in ISA. We were there for about two and a half hours, but I was getting really itchy (my skin hates it here) so I left around 6:30 to come home. For dinner, we had our usual salad and the chicken fajita-type meal we had before, except this time with tortillas. It was great! The only things that could have made it better were cheese and sour cream J I may ask her if we can have a small bowl of shredded cheese with our meals (they tell us to talk to them and tell them what we want, I’m not trying to be needy). Afterwards, I had a banana and then came in the room. I finished my homework by 9 and just sat around playing for about an hour before I laid down.
                Today, I woke up and kept setting off my alarm, so I was running close to time again. It’s so hard to get up here, especially when I have to go sit in Spanish class for 5 hours! I grabbed a diet coke and a donut from Dunkin “Coffee,” as they call it here, and got to class on time, but I was still exhausted. I don’t know if I mentioned this before, but our classroom is on the 4th floor and we have to take the steps. They seriously never get easier to do, and it doesn’t help that I basically sprint between metros because the ferrocarril and metro are so far apart in the station! Oh, which reminds me, I basically did a superman jump into the metro this morning. I was running up the stairs and CROWDS of people were coming down and I literally had to sprint through them and jump on the train as the doors were closing. It was like the movies, except for probably not as exciting. Anyways, I was basically falling asleep in class so I grabbed a coffee during our 30 minute break. After class, I ate my salad in the cafeteria with the girls, and then I went home to take a short siesta. Of course, the one day I didn’t go to the ISA office after class I had an email saying that my package was in for me!
I napped until around 5:10, when I was woken up by sirens outside of my window (it’s usually open because there is no air). I always hear loud noises and honking etc. but this time was excessive. I got up and went to the window, and there was a lady laying face down in the road, her bike by her side. I don’t know if she was hit or if it was from the rain, but she was not moving and I immediately started praying for her. It scared me, because I wasn’t sure if she was even alive. They kept checking her pulse and finally were able to turn her over and put her on a stretcher, where she moved her arm to put on her pulse. I was so glad to see her move, because I was not sure if she was going to be okay. After that, I went down to the ISA office to get my cards (thanks y’all, I love them!) and then ran by a bar to meet my friends about a surfing trip this weekend. Unfortunately, the hostel we were booking through isn’t working (a couple of people tried their credit cards and they won’t work) so we aren’t going to go. Some of them are going to try another hostel, but I’d rather save the money and do something fun in Barcelona. I came home for dinner around 8:30 and we had gazpacho (at my request J - I really like it!). She kept insisting I eat more, but I wanted to save room for dinner. However, for our main course, we had deviled eggs stuffed with seafood. I’m going to be honest, that is not my idea of a great dinner. So I had a bigger portion of salad and 2 eggs (she made a lot and I felt bad) and then came in the room for some chocolate. I just finished homework so I’m heading to bed! Miss you guys. xox

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