Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Day 19 -- June 9

Today after class, Jane and I went to the ISA office for a bit and then traveled over to George Payne for an afternoon snack.  After deciding that we obviously should order something to eat, she reminded me that they have a “2 for 1” deal every day, where you can pay one price for two items on the menu. After asking the bartender about this deal (although we really only wanted nachos), she told us that it couldn’t be two appetizers but we could have a meal and an appetizer. Now, I know all of you think I’m very intelligent so this may come as a surprise to you, but the two of us discussed this for about five minutes; all the while, I was suggesting buying the cheapest item on the menu and saying that we didn’t even need to eat it – we’d get the nachos for free and just eat those! I’ll also throw in that the nachos were 5.50 and the cheapest meal on the menu was about 8 euros. Jane finally realized what was going on and was like, “wait, why don’t we just order the nachos?” As you can imagine, we got a huge kick out of it so I thought I’d share with y’all. After dinner, Jane, Alicia, and I decided to go out to the Magical Fountain and see how it was. It definitely was not what I expected, but it was still very pretty! The fountain had lights and made all different formations, and there was opera music in the background. After that, we met our friends at a 
restaurant for about an hour and then headed home. 

Here is a video of the Magical Fountain! It wasn't super awesome, but still pretty cool to see.

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