Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Day 20 -- June 10

After class, Jane and I were walking home (hungry, as usual) and decided to stop in a little café on the way to the metro and order patatas bravas. Patatas bravas is a very popular dish in Spain; they are basically potatoes (sometimes fried, sometimes not) with a spicy/mayo sauce over them. I actually really liked them! Afterwards, I took a siesta and then got ready to go out for dinner. Nichole, Jane, Meg and I decided to go out for tapas because I had never had them before (tapas are very small portions of food that really only feed one person). We went to Passeig de Gracia, which is a big street near Plaza Catalunya. The tapas bar we went to sat us almost immediately, and our placemats were the menus with pictures of everything on it.

We ordered two each – Spanish tortilla (potatoes and eggs), cod, steak with cheese, shrimp kabob, patatas bravas, and brie cheese, all of which came on a piece of bread. 
Spanish tortilla:
Fried cod:
Some others:

After eating those, which were relatively cheap, we figured that if we wanted to be full, we’d have to order like 10 more each so we moved on to another restaurant. We decided to split things, so we ordered a salad with melted goat cheese on top, a pizza, and pesto pasta. The meal was DELICIOUS, and we stayed and talked for a little while. After that, we met a couple of our friends in Plaza Reial where we ended up spending the rest of the night. It was such a great girls night, and it helped me to stop thinking about the negative things and start realizing what an AMAZING opportunity this is and how great this city is!

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