Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Day 22 -- June 12

So today, we decided to go out to the beach for the day. Nichole, Meg, and Brenden were already there (it was a beach I hadn’t been to yet), and Brenden was giving me directions on which way to go after the metro stop. Once we got down towards the beach, there was a skate park on the left, and he told me to go to the right. I misunderstood and took me and Sara to the left side of the beach, which just happened to be the nude beach. A couple of days earlier we had seen a naked man walking down the normal touristy beach, so at first I thought that was the situation again. And then I saw another naked man, and another one, and a naked woman, and I quickly realized where I was. After calling Brenden (assuming he wasn’t laying out on the nude beach) we quickly changed directions – having to pass them all again – and finally arrived to the beach with them.
Such a cool picture!

We stayed out there for a good 3 or 4 hours, and then we all left to go home. Soon after our showers, we realized that we were all pretty burnt because there was overcast for a while and no one thought about the sun coming through. After the beach, Nichole, Meg, and I went to this place that had live music, and it just so happened to be the same band from the night before – who I loved! They were so awesome, so we watched them for a while, although I was sweating from the heat coming from my body (sunburn!) and eventually went home. It was a nice relaxing day!
Me, Meg, and Nichole listening to the band - so red!

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