Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Day 23 -- June 13

None of you will believe what I did today, so I’m going to upload some pictures to prove it (I finally figured out how to add pictures). Sara, Brenden, Zach, Nichole, Meg, and I all met at Plaza Espana and took a metro to Montserrat, which lasted for about an hour, where we went to hike. It’s a huge tourist attraction, but it was totally worth it. Once the metro arrived, we had to take a cable car up to the mid-point/village area, which was kind of scary, and we started our hike from there. Meg, Nichole, and I went one way while the others went their own way. On the way, we ran into our friend Travis who hiked with us the rest of the way.
In the cable car looking down:
The whole group before we split up:

Yes, I hiked. Most of you know I’m not a huge fan of nature and/or exercise, but the hike was so much fun! I was even smiling :)

 Minus the fact that we hiked up about a million stairs on the way up, once we finally arrived to the real trails it was so gorgeous. 
Meg, me, Nichole, and Travis:

We started going down random paths (all marked), and after an hour and a half we were on the complete opposite side from where we started, and we had reached the top of the mountain we were hiking. It was so awesome. The mountains were so pretty from the view we had, and we could see all of the cities around it (it was a good ways away from Barcelona).

We were basically hanging out in the clouds, and the weather was absolutely perfect for a day of hiking.

Where we started our hike:

We climbed some random rock walls
walked through muddy trails
and Meg even made a few falls (she was taking all of ours for us)

We ended up hiking for about 4 hours.
All in all, the day was so much better than we could have thought it to be – even if my feet were throbbing! After such an exhausting day, I wanted to take a nap before having to study for my exam today, but I didn’t get home until dinner time and I needed to start studying. I’d definitely say my first hiking experience was as good as it gets!
The girls after our hike!

Video from the top of the mountain:

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