Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Day 3--May 24

We drove to Toledo this morning around 9:00 am. I wasn’t really excited because I thought Toledo would be just a small, historic city, and the idea of moving my suitcases up to a hotel room for only one night wasn’t very appealing. However, this city is so gorgeous. We went into the scenic part of town, and took a lot of pictures overlooking the entire city. Everywhere we went; there was a view of the city. We toured the synagogue and went into a couple of churches/cathedrals. The entire place made me feel like I was in a princess in a castle with the way the walls were built and how gorgeous it was. We ate at a small restaurant in one of the plazas, and again I had no luck with food. I ordered a cheese pizza, but OF COURSE they didn’t have cheese. Who doesn’t have cheese but has pork and salami and peppers and pineapples etc.?! So I bought a salad. An 8 euro salad with nothing but lettuce and cheese, since that’s what I like. I figured a Greek salad would have feta cheese, but it had some other cheese (which was good, but I didn’t like it with the dressing). We had some free time to look around, so we went into some small shops. I think it’s like 90 degrees (if not more) outside today, and the bus’s air conditioning is definitely sub-par – which, by the way, we will be riding in for our 8 hour drive to Barcelona tomorrow. UGH. Oh well, I can’t wait to get there! We have a meeting here at 6:00 pm and then free time, but there’s not much to do when nothing is in walking distance from the hotel and the pool is closed.

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