Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Day 10 -- May 31 (birthday eve!)

My birthday is tomorrowwwww!!!!!! If only I were in the US con mis amigas L Oh well, hopefully we will have a good time here! I got up for school today (this morning thing isn’t working well for me) and was exhausted during the entire class. I thought I was going to fall asleep, but that would have been really bad. We have a rule book in our folders from ISA about classrooms, and the rules are so different than in the US. We can’t eat or drink in class, chew gum, leave to use the bathroom, miss class at all, arrive late, yawn, etc. It’s crazy. I’m really bad about yawning, but I think she ignores it. I was going to get some coffee and maybe a snack during our 30 minute break, but the cafeteria didn’t take credit cards and I didn’t have time to go to the ATM this morning. I was super hungry though so my stomach was growling all during class. These classes are going to be so boring (they’re from 9 am until 2 pm with 40 minutes total in breaks). Oh well, they’re only a month! After class, it was about to rain so I came home for a little siesta (nap). I was really tired, and I haven’t gotten a ton of sleep lately so it was really nice. I’m kind of mad that I ended up sleeping for 3 hours, though, because it’s going to be tough trying to fall asleep tonight. We had a really good dinner tonight! We ate salad, cooked spinach, rice with peas, and this fajita-type dish of chicken with peppers and onions. I ate way too much, but it’s rare that I feel super full here so I’ll take it J After dinner we had my favorite fruit, watermelon, and then Sara and I came into the room. We’re just sitting around on our computers, and I’ll probably do my homework soon. Right now it's about 9:30 pm, and I think we’re going to go to a cafĂ© around midnight to have a glass of wine when it turns June 1st! So soon! Miss you guys. I would love to skype anyone, because I’m getting a little homesick so if you’re reading this, my skype is bri.booth J xox

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