Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Day 1--May 22

Ahhh! I survived my 7 hour flight! After a minor panic attack on the first plane, I finally got it together and ended up toughing it out on the longer one. I sat next to local from Madrid named Avaro, and he told me some information about Madrid and Barcelona – he was super nice! Once we got there, we met up with the group, where I met my roommate Sara who I basically already felt like I knew, and we all got on the bus to the hotel. We dropped our stuff off and had some free time to roam the city, but I’m pretty sure I have strep so I took a much needed nap. After the nap, we went searching for an ATM and somewhere to eat. The ATM was a little difficult to find since it was our first time asking people where something was, but didn’t take long. The food, however, did not look appetizing anywhere we went. So I did what I always do and resorted to McDonalds as my first meal in Spain J We went to a meeting at 530 and a bus tour at 7 (which I fell asleep on because I was sooo jetlagged). After the tour, I got on facebook for a little while and then went to bed by 9:30.

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